Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

P for "Partogi" :)

          Hello everyone, today im gonna tell everything i know about partogi haha. I know some of you is very curious when you heard someone say "Hey Par" or "Hey mba Togi". You dont need to think so hard, just read it carefully. This is the history of "Partogi"...... 
          When i was a child, a miracle happened to my family, when my brother gave his horse the named "Partogi", no one knows what my brother thought when he gave his horse named like that. Today, Partogi name has been reborn again to someone who very smart, genius, good looking, little messy, nerd, weird, funny, cool, etc.
"MAMA'S Partogi"
          Im very proud to be her friend cause she's a "P" you know?! Dont forget, she's a member and the strongest candidate for the leader of "RFC" :O isn't it cool?!
  • One little note from me:
A few days ago i secretly known from my brother, that he's not the one who gave partogi name or create that name. That name was made by anonymous. :O

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012


Shaboo-Mama's d'Part-o-gi

Dalam kegelapan aku berusaha melihatnya, entah kenapa aku merasa mengenal sosok itu dengan baik. Kucoba untuk lebih mendekat, namun tubuhnya menjauh. Sesaat sebelum aku berhasil menyentuhnya, sepercik cahaya jatuh di wajahku, aku berusaha membuka mata untuk melihatnya, namun apadaya bersamaan dengan terbukanya mataku, aku mulai kembali pada kenyataan hidup. 
ringgggggg...... ringgggg